
عرض المشاركات من أبريل, ٢٠٢١

Dozens of dead and wounded after a stampede during a religious ceremony in Israel

 The debacle happened in Meron at the area of the rumored burial chamber of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, a second-century Talmudic sage, where chiefly super Orthodox Jews rush to check the Lag BaOmer occasion. Shut a year ago on account of Covid limitations, the current year's journey was required to be a celebratory occasion during a country that has generally re-opened as a result of a fruitful inoculation exertion. The journey was biggest public social event since the pandemic started, with reports that there have been multiple times a larger number of individuals there than approved. Starting reports showed that the slaughter started when a neighborhood of arena seating fell however salvage laborers later connected the setbacks to a rush. A representative for the Star of David Adom, Israel's salvage administration, told AFP "there were 38 dead at the scene however there have been more at the clinic." A source at the northern Ziv clinic, one among a few accepting setba
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